
Changes in Subjective Well-being and Attitudes in the Aftermath of Nuclear Disasters: A German-Japanese Comparison

Work and Well-being in Japan: The Divergence between Importance of and Satisfaction with Work and its Impact on the Overall Happiness Level

Loneliness: The blind spot in happiness economics

Bürgergesellschaft und Glück in Japan: Eine ökonometrische Betrachtung” [Civil Society and Happiness in Japan: The View from Happiness Economics]

Panel discussant, “Satt, aber unglücklich? Faktoren der Lebensqualität im Alter” [Satisfied, but unhappy? Determinants of Quality of Life in Old Age]

Political Participation and Happiness: Japan, the usual outlier?

Unraveling Subjective Happiness in Japan: Different Concepts of Happiness and their Impact on the Overall Happiness Level

A Commentary on: Effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Japanese People's Worldviews and Subjective Well-Being

Happiness, Lifestyle and Preferences in Japan before and after March 11

Studienergebnisse ökonomischer Glücksforschung in Japan: Der 11. März und seine Folgen [March 11 and its Aftermath: Results from Happiness Economics in Japan]