Tim Tiefenbach
Tim Tiefenbach
Happiness in Japan in Times of Upheaval: Empirical Evidence from the National Survey on Lifestyle Preferences
Journal of Happiness Studies (2015), vol. 16 (2), pp. 333-366
Activities in Neighborhood Associations in Japan: Discovering the Drivers of Procedural Utility
Prospects for Stable and Equitable Growth in Japan and the United States
Glück und politische Partizipation: Die Zivilgesellschaft in Japan nach dem 11. März 2011 [Happiness and Political Participation: Civil Society in Japan after March 11, 2011]
The Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Happiness, Donations and Volunteer Activities
Happiness in Japan from the Viewpoint of Economics
Bürgergesellschaft und politische Partizipation in Japan: Eine glücksökonomische Betrachtung [Civil Society and Political Participation in Japan: The View from Happiness Economics]
A German Japanese Comparison of Peoples Happiness and Mental Well-being
The impact after the Great East Japanese Earthquake on Peoples Happiness and Mental Well-being: A German Japanese comparison based large-scale survey data
The triple disaster of March 11 and its effect on the Japanese people